Administrator Guide 2017
Adding Template Items to a magic5 Word Document report

magic5 uses Word mail merge fields to convert magic5 reports to Word and PDF

The following can be entered in the Field name prompt ...

  • Template items are added using their unique name, as shown above
  • Variables are prefixed with a $ sign using the syntax

    $[variable name]

    eg $Customer
  • Attributes are joined with their corresponding entity, identified by the variable name in the following syntax:

    $[variable name]:[attribute name]

    eg $Customer:phoneNumber
  • An attribute for template item that is based on a variable, such as a contact or a location, uses the syntax:

    $[variable name]:[unique name]:[attribute name]

    eg $Contact:siteContact:phoneNumber or $ListItem:partUsed:sg_prod_saleprice
  • The variable list includes:
    • Customer
    • Location
    • User
    • LoggedOnUser
    • UserFullName
    • LocationAddress
    • CustomerAddress
    • LocationAddressFlat (ie. no line breaks, uses commas)
    • CustomerAddressFlat (ditto)
    • FormDate
    • Template
    • Contact
    • ListItem
  • The attribute list includes:








    displayName = Display name (device only)
    firstname = First name
    lastname = Last name
    email = Email
    initials = Initials
    jobTitle = Job title
    suffixTitle = Name suffix (eg.MIFSM)
    role = Role


    address = Address
    postCode = Post code
    phoneNumber = Phone number
    faxNo = Fax number
    sageCode = Sage code
    officeNotes = Notes (office only)
    deviceNotes = Notes (available on device)


    address = Address
    postCode = Post code
    phoneNumber = Phone number
    faxNo = Fax number
    sageCode = Sage code
    productService = Product/Service
    supplierCode = Supplier code
    officeNotes= Notes (office only)
    deviceNotes = Notes (available on device)

    List entries

    These are only available for a list entry if they have been selected in the Additional Attributes for list entries tab for the list itself.

    part_No = Part number
    serviceInfo = Service info
    sales_Code = Sales code
    stock_Code = Stock code
    buyIn_Cost = Buy in cost
    chargeOut_Cost = Charge out cost
    on_Hand = On hand
    stockList_Type = Stock list type
    stockList_SubType = Stocklist sub-type
    asset_Make = Make
    asset_Model = Model
    asset_SerialNo = Serial number
    asset_HoistMakeModel = Hoist make
    asset_HoistModel = Hoist model
    asset_HoistSerial = Hoist serial number
    hs_procedure = Procedure
    hs_riskProbability = Risk Rating - probability
    hs_riskSeverity = Risk Rating - severity
    hs_riskRisk = Risk Rating - risk
    hs_residualProbability = Residual Risk - probability
    hs_residualSeverity = Residual Risk - severity
    hs_residualRisk = Residual Risk - risk
    hs_controlMeasures = Control Measures
    hs_hazard0 = Hazard 1
    hs_hazard1 = Hazard 2
    listItemImage = Associated image or document
    email_text = Text of e-mail
    variableValue = Value to use
    VATRate = VAT rate (%)
    vatCode = VAT code
    customCodeAssemblyAndClass = Code assembly and class (advanced)
    expandedText = Expanded text
    headerLines = Number of header lines to ignore
    columnUniqueNames = Spreadsheet columns unique names
    primaryKeyFormats = Primary key specifications
    importUnallocated = Import unallocated jobs
    userKeyFormats = User key specifications
    dateKeyFormats = Date key specifications
    metresPerPixel = Metres per Pixel
    colour = colour
    templatefilename = Word document template
    buttonText= button text for Word template
    additionalSettings = additional parameters for Word template
    ac_unitRefrigerantWeight = Refrigerant weight (kg)
    ac_unitSerialNo = Unit Serial number
    ac_unitHistory = Unit history
    ac_unitTypeId = Unit type
    ac_unitMake = Unit make
    ac_unitModel = Unit model
    ac_unitRefrigerantType = Refrigerant type
    scheduledDayOffset = Scheduled day (rounds)
    pricingProductivityType = Measurement type for pricing/productivity
    sg_prod_desc = Product description (Sage)
    sg_prod_code = Product code (Sage)
    sg_prod_partno = Product part number (Sage)
    sg_prod_lowstock = Low stock flag (Sage)
    sg_prod_category = Product category (Sage)
     sg_prod_type = Product type (Sage)
    sg_prod_saleprice =Product sale price (Sage)
     sg_prod_costprice =Product cost price (Sage)
     sg_prod_unit =Product unit (Sage)

Customer and location addresses can be entered as either variables ($CustomerAddress and $LocationAddress respectively) or as attributes ($Customer:address and $Location:address respectively).